Art Of Writing

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Since hundred of years articles were not considered at all important in news and literature,but today the whole scenario has changed.Articles play a very important role for today's world especially for newspapers,blogs etc.Article writing is simple and even fun if one follows some basic rules and ones career will blossom in any field of literature.

Alright, so you have your subject matter, and you've done a little bit of research. You've even picked a subject that you are fairly familiar with. Now, it is time to write your article. Whenever writing an article, you need to be as concise, and descriptive as possible. Write the article as though you are writing it to inform those who have never even heard of your subject. Although every article has a certain degree of personal bias, and it is generally acceptable to have an opinion, the main points of the article should be about the facts that you present. Information is not based on opinion, but fact.

For the purpose of this particular article, which is coincidentally about writing articles, I will focus mainly on the writing and editing of articles for internet purposes: namely, blogs. There are a few tips that I may provide that could help you and your blog to become successful, the first of which is knowing what you want your article to be about. You should have a general idea as to the subject of your article. It's also a good idea to choose a topic which you already have an understanding of. This will make the production and editing of the article's entirety significantly easier.

While writing on a topic which has no knowledge about the topic you must search the internet well before starting.Learn as much as possible,collect information and then implement them.You can refer links if you want.However you must not copy others article because this is not correct.

Now that have you have successfully written an article you mus me thinking that "yes i have done it"but no my friend it is still not complete.If you have written the article for yourself then it is ok but if you have done it for someone else the you must strictly follow the guidelines given by him.You must write the article as per his instructions,as per his needs.You mus know why you are writing the article.

People have more problem in editing an article rather than writing it.This does not require the writer to have an idea about the topic.All that one requires is correct spelling and good grammar.Any person with these two qualities can successfully edit an article.But even with correct punctuation some lines don't make sense so remove this error you must read the article aloud.This will help you in removing the errors.You must always run a spell check before finishing an article.

A very important optional part of the article is to include photos with your article,but this for non web writers.Photos represent a problem in the applications of web that is the reason why they are not accepted.For ex. Ezine articles.

Writing articles can be fun if you follow my instructions an will sanguinely say that you will prosper in this department.Articles will play a major role in today's role so come and prosper in this field and enjoy the fruits.


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